Automation Browser for Android Supported features -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table of content: * HTTP/HTTPS * VNC URL * RTSP URL for video streaming * Auto-Start mode * Single station mode * Frameset in HTML file * Home screen * List of features -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HTTP/HTTPS The Automation Browser supports both http and https URL, with or without credentials. http://[user:password@]hostname/... https://[user:password@]hostname/... If credentials are not specified in the URL and the server prompts for HTTP authentication, it will show an authentication dialog, to enter the username and password. If you choose "Save Password" in this dialog, it will still show the authentication dialog the next time, to allow the user to use the stored information or enter another username/password. If credentials are specified in the URL, the HTTP authentication dialog will not be displayed, unless the credentials are wrong. In that case, you will have to update or clear the credentials from the URL. If the server uses as untrusted SSL certificate or self made certificate, the user will be prompted to accept it and continue loading the page, or not. Press YES (ALWAYS) to permanently save your choice. Press CLEAR DATA in the Android Settings of the app, to restore the default settings and clear all stored credentials. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VNC URL is something like vnc:// vnc://hostname[:port]/[bpp[.depth]]/[password] Optional parameters: - port, default is 5900 - bpp is either 8, 16 (565) or 32 (888), 0 use default parameter from server - depth is optional and depends on the bpp. Supported values are 16.15 (555), 8.6 (64 colors) or 8.3 (8 colors) - password if need must be defined after the pixel format, to use default pixel format, use bpp 0 - If supported on the VNC server side, the best choice is 16 bpp (565), for example vnc:// Notes: - A Floating Button is used to open and close the Android Keypad, - The Floating Button is visible only if Android Keypad option is enabled in the menu. - A long press on the Floating Button moves the button. - The Auto-Start in MicroBrowser mode is recommended to be used instead of Auto detection - If the connection is lost and the Auto Start is defined with a delay (3s or more), it will return to the countdown page -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RTSP URL for video streaming rtsp://[user:password@]hostname/[live0][?caching=MILLISECONDS] Depending on the camera you will have to specify /live0, /live1, ... or something like that, after the hostname The optional network caching parameter in the rtsp URL, allows you to reduce the latency from the live stream, but may cause artifacts or refresh issues if the parameter is too short The default value is 200 ms, for example, to set 50 ms rtsp:// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Auto-Start mode * Without countdown (start immediately) 1) Auto start with auto detection will shortly show the setup page and open either the MicroBrowser or HTML5 view 2) Auto start with MicroBrowser will directly jump to the MicroBrowser if the server is reachable (*) 3) Auto start with HTML5 will directly jump to the WebView, if the server is reachable (*) If the server is not reachable or if the connection is lost, it will jump to the setup page. * With a countdown of N seconds (Auto Start 3s, 10s, 15s, 30s, 45s, 60s, 90s or 120s) on startup 1) Auto start with auto detection will shortly show the setup page and either open the MicroBrowser or HTML5 view after a delay of N seconds 2) Auto start with MicroBrowser will jump to the MicroBrowser view if the server is reachable after a delay of N seconds (**) 3) Auto start with HTML5 will jump to the WebView, if the server is reachable after a delay of N seconds (**) If the server is not reachable or if the connection is lost, it will do endless retries every 10 seconds. To abort the endless retries and return to the setup page, press 5 times in the top-left corner. Or press the back button if available. Instead of showing the loading message "Loading...", you can set a boot image to show on startup, loaded from /sdcard/Download/bootscreen.png -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Single station mode Single station mode is used to directly start the specifed URL in the XML app setting file, skipping the setup page. It's a mode where the end user will not see the setup page. File: automb.xml My Visu http://localhost/Visu.html MicroBrowser 3 false --> Procedure with loading file from External Storage 1) Export files from Automation Browser into external storage (USB, SD card, ...) 2) Copy automb.xml into: /Download/AutomationBrowser/automb.xml (for Android < 10) /Android/data/net.spidercontrol.automb/files/automb.xml (for Android >= 10) (The folder should already exist on the external storage) 3) Import files in Automation Browser (menu) Once the XML file has been loaded with , it will automatically start with the specified URL and settings. Pressing back button will close the app. In this mode, you don't see the standard station list, menu, config, etc... To restore the standard mode, remove the XML file from external storage (or remove the external storage) --> Procedure with loading file from Internal Storage 1) Export files from Automation Browser into internal storage 2) Copy automb.xml into: /Download/AutomationBrowser/automb.xml (for Android < 10) /Android/data/net.spidercontrol.automb/files/automb.xml (for Android >= 10) (The folder should already exist on the internal storage) 3) Import files in Automation Browser (menu) To restore the standard mode, remove the XML file (automb.xml) from internal storage All settings that can be defined in XML file: My Visu MicroBrowser 3 false true false true true false false is either an integer or a string 0: Auto (not supported for auto start) 1: HTML5 2: MicroBrowser -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Frameset in HTML file Only few configurations are supported to see either 2, 3, 4 or 6 frames An URL can be defined for each frame, either a http URL for HTML5 WebView or a RTSP URL for video streaming, something like: File: frameset2.html File: frameset4.html File: frameset3.html File: frameset6.html Note: frame size in px or percent are not supported yet -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Home screen After having installed the Automation Browser Home Screen edition, press the Android Home button. So, you will be asked to choose for the default launcher(*). Press the Home button again to see the ALWAYS option. Once you have chosen the Automation Browser (ALWAYS), it will automatically be launched on the next start and you will no longer see the default Android Home screen (Desktop)! To find this option again, you will have to clear the "Open defaults" setting of the Automation Browser app Open Android Settings (app menu in the top right corner) and depending on Android version you will have to go either * Apps > Automation Browser > Open by default > CLEAR DEFAULTS * Storage & USB > Apps > Automation Browser > (i) icon > Open by default > CLEAR DEFAULTS Then, press on the Android Home button again. (*) If you don't see the popup to select the default launcher, it is probably because another launcher is already selected as default. In that case you will have to clear the "Open defaults" settings in the current launcher app. The name of the app is often something like "Launcher" or "Google Now Launcher", ... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- List of features Download the latest version from here: - Support VNC in Automation Browser AB1, since v.1.0.22 - Support credentials in URL for http, https and rtsp, like http://user:password@hostname/ - Hide password specified in URL (for http, rtsp and vnc) http://user:******@hostname/ rtsp://user:****@hostname/live0 vnc://hostname/16/***** - Support video stream with RTSP protocol, like rtsp:// - Support setting network caching parameter in rtsp URL, default is 200 ms. Reduce this parameter to improve performance, reduce latency rtsp:// - Supports onBackPressed() in MicroBrowser, we have a stack of URL jump like: html 1 -> html 2, Back -> html 1, Back -> finish - MB: Open PDF with http in two steps: 1) Download file from server 2) Open Local file with PDF viewer - Support PDF Viewer without external app - Support Image Viewer without external app - Open the MicroBrowser from a standard HTML page in WebView - Support three launch modes in Automation-Browser, either Auto/HTML5/MicroBrowser - Support VPI-Login - Support export/import perco file (MB_PERCO_x variables) - Support OEM file /Download/AutomationBrowser/uBrowser.oem - Support download file with "data:" url and use default filename: "file_YYYY-MM-DD_hh-mm-ss.txt" HTML use href="data:[][;base64]," For example, image.png - Fix issues by reading (and writing) files from external storage in Android 11 and 12 - Change Storage directory depending on the Android version * Android < 10: /Download/AutomationBrowser/ * Android >= 10: /Android/data/net.spidercontrol.automb/files/ - Support new TLS versions (Fix SSLHandshakeException with OpenSSL v1.1.1 - Save licence file in the application download folder, to be reused if the app is uninstalled. "/storage/emulated/0/Download/AutomationBrowser/licence.txt - Support installation of APK file, after downloading the APK file from the WebView control (HTML 5) - Support Log file for debug version only, onto Download/AutomationBrowser/automb.log - Show serial number from /data/serial, in app Version-Info box - Show firmware version from file /etc/version, in app Version-Info box - Support External Storage (USB/SD) that can be enabled in menu - Support Import/Export configuration files External Storage (USB/SD) if enabled - Support MicroBrowser Web Service on localhost with port 8085 for SpiderPLC - Tap five times in the top left corner to abort the countdown in auto-start - Show boot image on startup from /sdcard/Download/bootscreen.png if exist, while connecting on startup. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.05.29/jf