SpiderControl MicroBrowser CE Release Notes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Current Version: V. (2024.05.06) - Stop loading image file if error 404 is returned - Show http status code on S7 login/logout V. (2024.04.30) - Update from MBXP V. (2024.04.30) - Don't show try to reload image files (PNG) with other methods if error 404 is returned - Bug fix in S7-1200/1500 Login and support Logout on closing MicroBrowser - Support S7-1x00 Login in URL, like /awp/start.html?Login=admin&Password=xxxx - Support SBC login like start.htm?pwd=1234 - Support credentials in URL, like http://user:password@hostname/ - Support IPv6 for SpiderLink - Support ILR on WAGO Basic Controller for read and write (MD Strings) - Use per default ANSI/CP-1252 encoding for WAGO MD String variables - Bug fix with URL jump on absolute path like /path/filename - Bug fix in Blend a source using resize mode and when the view is scaled - Improve show pressed for Metro style (Flat Button with an Image and with or without blend text), move image on pressed - Bug fix in Oscillo macro using static X [1..N] and not [0..N-1] - Support time format "%tms..." in USE_FORMAT, for timestamp in milliseconds, use format like %S.000 to see seconds with milliseconds - Support time format "%tums... " in USE_FORMAT, for timestamp in milliseconds GMT-0, use format like %S.000 to see seconds with milliseconds - Support time format "%tod%H:%M:%S.000" in USE_FORMAT, TimeOfDay or duration in ms stored in a 32-bit variable - Support time format "%tod%H:%M..." in USE_FORMAT combined with TCR_FORMAT "time_22" or "time_23" to edit and write TOD value - Support Write SOURCE TO DEST action to destination type CGI, and name like "POST, text/xml" - Support MDxx String variables in the new WAGO Basic Controller 750-800x - Support HTML parameters SC_Display_W and SC_Display_H to set the width and height of the visible part of the view - Bug fix in Oscillo macro to draw 5-pix points - Bug fixes in Draw/Fill ellipse - Support Call Draw Functions with coordinate in pixel, like "20px" instead of percent - Support argument in PAINT_AS_ROUND_RECTANGLE repaint, in percent (per default) or in pixel, like "20px" - Support PAINT_AS_ROUND_RECTANGLE in Bargraph painter and fix the fill rounded rectangle in all other painters, like TextField, Button, ... - Change also the RoundRect attribute in Call Draw Function, is per default % or use pixel with "px" - Support parsing drop-shadow properties from "SC_Styles.css" - Fix issues with action WRITE_OPERATION_RESULT_IN_DESTINATION using 64-bit variables like MB_Timestamp_ms - Support PAINT_AS_ROUND_RECTANGLE in Button, TextField, Label, FV, DDL, Graphic painters (Outline) - Minor change in IGraphic painter (Oscillo Macro) to draw the Y-Axis (0-based) with X-Unit like in HTML 5 - Use 1-pixel border offset in IGraphic Painter (Oscillo macro) - Show X-Unit in the middle (and not on the right side) - Bug fixes in parsing #!crv;... in IGraphic painter, especially while parsing texts and/or with empty fields - Support texts with semi-column using escape sequence "Hello\; world" -> "Hello; world" in IGraphic painter (Oscillo macro) - Container "MB_Random" is now a value from 0 to 999'999 (instead fo 32767) - Support Call Draw Function action in Rectangle, Polygon, Ellipse, Button, TextField, FileViewer DropDownList and Bargraph painters - Support drawing Polyline and Pie chart with alpha blend - Support actions in loop with LOOP_START and LOOP_END - Automatically add Container variables if not exist in RW_getSourcePtr() - GOTO_ACTION (26) is no longer supported (deprecated, use LOOP_START/LOOP_END) - Support alpha blend in BarGraph, FileViewer, Graphic, Line painters and Scroller - Always show pressed state for 3D button, even if outline width is 0 - Update eweb-server: - Support POST /cgi-bin/writeVal.exe (varName+value) - Add new ContentType for media, zip and script files - CODESYS 2: Support variable of type TOD, TOD#HH:mm:ss(.ms) to read and write TOD variable in milliseconds - CODESYS 2: Support hidding outline of Pie object with Frame Flags - CODESYS 2: Bug fix in mblib converter with login macro - CODESYS 2: And use Language resource for "OK", "Cancel", ... in popup dialogs - CODESYS 3: Support more picture draw options - CODESYS 3: Add new font function - CODESYS 3: Improve reaction time on mouse/touch events - CODESYS 3: Draw Polygon/Polyline with alpha blend - Codesys 3: Add function for BestFitForDialogs - Codesys 3: Fix issue in image pool - Codesys 3: Add gradient hide functionality V. (2023.05.10) - Update from MBXP V. (2023.05.02) - Close log file on inactivity - Support IPv6 address in SpiderLink (mfc_http_en = 0), to handle URL like http://[::ffff:c0a8:b2d2]/ - Support "MB_Config_Eth.RefreshTimeSec", to read the network settings - Support BLEND_SOURCE, even if no PAINT_SOURCE is defined - Support scroller in Drop Dowm List painter - Support operator "ROUND" in WRITE_OPERATION_TO_RESULT, to convert a float value to integer - Bug fix with keep-alive socket broken by the peer in SpiderLink - Support "AutoXAxeDescr" to automatically disaplay date and time on online/offline trend macros - Support Array of time and value in CO ActiveTrendsMouseDownVals[i][j] - Fix issue with draw of ellipses and skew lines with alpha blend - Support new features from Editor version 8, (drop shadow), on leave edit box, condition on mouse over, ... - Support color with alpha blend #RRGGBBAA (instead of #AARRGGBB) - Support color defined with rgb(red, green, blue) or rgba(red, green, blue, alpha) - Check string length while editing PPO variables of type String and if TCR max property defined - Bug fix in SpiderLink with keep-alive socket and http error like 404 Not found - Do not check image memory cache with img_mem_max -1 - Support new repaint HIDE_AND_DISABLE (116), to check the visible state on every repaint and disable the painter, if hidden - Support new date/time formats with PM_AM IDs 28 yyyy-MM-dd 29 d-HH:mm.ms (d- only if day > 0 and ".ms" only if ms > 0) 30 dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm 31 yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm 32 dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm 33 yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm 34 yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm 35 yyyy.MM.dd - Support X/Y margin in percent - Fix issue from last changes with container initialization in CSV file, using csv_file_version 0 - Change shortcuts in menu, replace Ctrl with Alt, like (Alt+O, Alt+N, ... instead of Ctrl+O and Ctrl+N) and remove unused Ctrl+S to better support function keys with modifiers - Support broadcast of keys with modifiers, like "SHIFT-N", "SHIFT-CTRL-N", "SHIFT-CTRL-ALT-N", ... - Support container "MB_TEQ_WIDTH" and "MB_TEQ_HEIGHT" - Change default value for return_to_config_page_sec from 2s to 10s - Support https for S7 Siemens ISO TCP with mfc_http_en = 3 - Show unzipped file in log file - CODESYS 2: Bug fixes and improvments - CODESYS 3: Bug fixes and improvments V. (2021.09.28) - Add new menu item: Web > Stop Web Server - Support CSV language files edited or modified with Exceel, with HTML parameter "CsvFileVersion" to 1 - Support CSV file for initialization of container variables with HTML parameter "InitCoCsvName" - Support loading default settings from file: "mb_config.default" (defined in HMI) - Support new parameters in Blend a Source to draw images with margin, resize and alignment, in button painters - Support margin X and Y for Blend a Source to draw text in button painters - Fix SVG drawing issues when the same image file is used with different sizes - Support new action to modify case of a string, WRITE_OPERATION_TO_RESULT with "UPPER_CASE" and "LOWER_CASE" - Check var names in cgi-bin/ReadFile.exe - Support HTML tag "MirrorPPOName" if the PPO variable is defined in TCR file - CODESYS 2: Support expressions in min/max for scrollbars - CODESYS 2: Support scrollbars with float values (like -0.1 to 0.1) - CODESYS 2: Bug fix in scrollbar (increment with integer or float) - Support TCR format "MW_String" to save an utf-8 string in an array of words AW0, AW1, AW2, .. AW(N-1) - Bug fixs with UDP requests (packet size of 1400 bytes and use timeout) - Do asynchronous read for UDP requests - Bug fix in exporting files, since version 155.2 it was not working anymore - Support actions on repaint, on gained focus and on lost focus for every painters - CODESYS 2: Bug fix with check of LIMIT(min, value, max) - Support SpiderControl visu with CODESYS V2 protocol (TargetTypeNr 118) on a WAGO 750-8xx - Set CO variables MB_Calendar.hour, MB_Calendar.minute and MB_Calendar.second from MB_Calendar.time - CODESYS 2: Fix issue with WRITEACCESSLOCK - CODESYS 2: Remove hack in alarming with more than 100 alarms - Bug fix in oscillo macro with undefined points (empty fields) - Log oscillo loadData and loadDelta with debug_level 2 - Bug fix in parsing SVG - Do not try reloading image if not found - Support USE_TEXT_ALIGNMENT repaint in button painter too - Support OEM file V.1.04 without option - Flush log messages in file every 5 s (with debug_level 1) - Support CODESYS V3 with SSL and use WinSock2 - Support "UDP=1, V.1.0", OrderValues with POST and ReadFile with UDP V. (2021.04.09) - Support opening local file with URL like "file:///media/image.png" absolute path, and "file://image.png" relative to MicroBrowser (working directoy) - Support BMP files with negative height (from top to bottom) V. (2021.03.24) - Remove quotes in PPO values of type String for Simatic S7-1x00 - Bug fix with S7-1x00 login popup and writeVal with [] in variable name - Bug fix with buffer OVF in FV with #sfc;color-code - Bug fix with PPO like "@GV.name" when using offset and the PPO variable is referenced with a PLC driver prefix like "@PPO_PLC0:@GV.name@" - Parameter is default enabled - Fix re-connection issues when the controller is temporary disconnected - Load SVG file with "image.svg|image_w_h.png" if PNG is missing - Support SBC image mapping from GIF to SVG with 2 - Support new parameter in Trend Macros to set the color of the header line, in FileViewer painter to show values on user click with CONTAINER like "@MACROOFTActiveTrendsMouseDownHeaderColor.xxxxxxxx" - Support new parameter in Trend Macros to set the color of the selected line in IGraphicP with CONTAINER like "@MACROOFTUserClickColor.xxxxxxxx" - Support CO "MB_DisableTouch" - Update web server code with v.2.20 - The default port number is httpd_port = 8085 - Support new features to control the MicroBrowser from SpiderPLC with "cgi-bin/MBService.cgi" (not tested) - CoDeSys 3: Extend functionality of image pool to fix issue with missing image files. - CoDeSys 3: Fix issue with last blank x and y line - CoDeSys 3: Fix issue with dropping frame and slow event handling - CoDeSys 3: Fix issues in draw polyline (draw square) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V. (2020.10.15) - Fix issues when using both Function Keys and Touch or Mouse - Support "@PPO_varName" in TCR file for Unit (like in Min/Max) - Don't skip loading of extra parameters with ID 0 V. (2020.09.23) - Bug fix with the display of Local Time in log file - Bug fix in Oscillo macro with the display of X-scalars - New Keypads with 360 px height and is flat and blue - Support new Container variables "MB_ping" for write and "MB_ping_errno" for read - Support "MB_Config.StartScriptOnLongPress" to launch a script on long press - CoDeSys 3: Implement URL jump - CoDeSys 3: Fix issue with alpha blend - CoDeSys 3: Add picture support for webbrowser element -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V. (2020.08.13) - Support automatic login with user name and password defined in Setup page, with the use of and for HTTP Authentication with "MB_Config.WWW_user" and "MB_Config.WWW_pass" container variables for Proxy Authentication with "MB_Config.Proxy_user" and "MB_Config.Proxy_pass" container variables - Bug fix in decoding xml format for S7-WString Unicode characters - Support container variable "MB_Config.BackgroundColor" to change the background color (like ) - Support show all tooltips with the container variable "MB_ShowTooltips" = 1 - Support show tooltip on touch, when the container variable "MB_TooltipOnTouch" = 1 - Reset container variable MB_TooltipOnTouch on double-click (300 ms) and after 4 seconds - Support new repaint USE_INTERIOR_COLOR_ON_DISABLED - Support new repaint USE_OUTLINE_COLOR_ON_DISABLED - Support new repaint USE_TEXT_COLOR_ON_DISABLED - Support new repaint USE_FONT_ON_DISABLED - Regenerate xml config file if it's not up to date - Support IGraphic Oscillo macro with file in Ramdisk and Delta mode (append in file) - Support IGraphic paint to draw curves without specifying the number of points "#c;?;x0,y0;...;" - Support multiple units in Y-Axis of IGraphic painter with #U1; #U2;... and support #u;y;text;min;step, #u1, #u2, ... with min value and step - Support MB_Calendar.action="SET_TS" with MB_Calendar.hour, minute and second variables, if MB_Calendar.time is empty - Support MB_Calendar.wday, yday, hour, minute and second in action "GET_TS" - Resolve @PPO in file name for actions like WRITESOURCETOLOCALFILE and APPENDSOURCETOLOCALFILE - Support the display of Open Source Licenses in Setup page if copyright_files.txt exists - Support also auto wrap of text, when one word is too long for the field - Bug fix with position of MBox.teq when scale factor is enabled, on saving Alarm/Trend files - Bug fix in operation "STREPLACE" in case of find substring is empty - Don't show error message in SpiderLink with EWOULDBLOCK for non-blocking socket - Support new container "MB_SpcSessionId" to show the value of the Cookie "SpcSessionId" - Support resolved name in type FILE for actions WRITESOURCETOLOCALFILE and APPENDSOURCETOLOCALFILE - Support Tooltips in SpiderControl and CODESYS v2 (multiline and auto hide after 4 seconds) - There is no limitation in the number of objects in hashtables, except for out of memory in heap 1, 2, ... - Reuse the same keep-alive socket for all CGI requests in SpiderLink (mfc_http_en = 0), for ILR, WriteVal and Alarm/Trend, with time to live of 30 s - CoDeSys v2: Bug fix with place holder and case sensitive variable names - CoDeSys 3: Fix issue with wrong sized borders of rectangles - CoDeSys 3: Fix issue with hang up visu in combination with multiple touch/mouse events -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V. (2020.04.27) - Bug fix with with TCR format in resolved name on WAGO with cgi-bin/ReadFile.exe requests - CoDeSys v2: Fix some rounding errors in Group - CoDeSys v2: Support text alignment in alarm table - CoDeSys v2: Support gradient in Bargraph object - Support alpha-blend in vertical and horizontal gradient - Support new repaint (103) to define a gradient in rectangle object (linear, radial and axial) - Support new repaint (105) to define a global alpha-blend in rectangle object (0..255) - Support LREAL type in TCR V. (2020.03.20) - S7: Support automatic login with user name and password defined in Setup page ("MB_Config.S7_user" and "MB_Config.S7_pass" container variables) - S7: Show login box if the Simatic server returns a html content for a redirection to "Portal.mwsl" - S7: Support new container variables to save user name and password for Simatic "MB_Config.S7_user" and "MB_Config.S7_pass" V. (2020.02.12) - Fix rendering issues of transparent GIF on WCE5 with 16 bpp - Support new containers variables to read hours, minutes and seconds (MB_Calendar.second), but also week day (.wday) and year day (.yday) V. (2020.01.14) - CoDeSys v2: Bug fix with alarm-text-id greater than 65535 - CoDeSys v3: Bug fix with Authentication dialog (Enter Hit) - CoDeSys V3: Add optimized code for drawing of rectangles and polygons - CoDeSys V3: Fix issue with erroneous clipping and foreground / background switching - CoDeSys V3: Fix erroneous position and size of some pictures - Support "WRITEINT2CHAR" in action "WRITE OPERATION TO RESULT", to convert an Integer value to Unicode character - Support new action "WRITESOURCETOLOCALFILE" and "APPENDSOURCETOLOCALFILE", the file is created in the working directory - Support new Container 'MB_DumpScreen', to save a Screen shot of the current view - Support ILR decode "123 123" for "123 123" - Support new container variables "MB_MOUSE.move.x" and "MB_MOUSE.move.y" (with Scale factor) - Support new container variables "MB_MOUSE.move.px" and "MB_MOUSE.move.py" (without Scale factor) - Increase Alarm buffer size from 8 to 16 KB - Support new variables "MB_Config.LCD.Brightness", "MB_Config.CheckForUpdateMin" and "MB_Config.ReturnToConfigInSec" - Support also '.' and '_' in auto wrap of multiline texts - Bug fix in alarming 2 macro and increase the buffer size from 8 KB to 16 KB, to contain the alarm list displayed in FileViewer painter -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V. (2019.08.30) - Support NDIGITxb (b for do the best) to remove trailing zeros after dot, for example 100.00 becomes 100 with format NDIGIT2b - Bug fix in trend macros if the instance variable DisplayTime is not defined - Bug fix since V.151.8c with old offline trend macros, to show all points after the load (The display time was always defined to 100 but is ignored now if the Macro Version lesser 5) - Support initial Date and Time in Offline Trend, if DisplayTime is null - Support Auto scale for Y-axis in online/offline trend macros, defined with the instance variable "AutoYAxeDescrAutoMinMax" (0: Disabled, 1: Y-Max only, 2:Y-Min only, 3: Y-Max and Y-Min) - Clear all fonts in URL jump and increase the max number of fonts from 128 to 256 - CoDeSys 2: Bug fix with font size in few special cases when using subvisu -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V. (2019.07.24) - Support slider with DEC.x - Support NDIGITx in the generated trend FV content - Minor bug fix in Alarm table, when sorting with ACK/NACK/All - Minor bug fix with Keypad TEQ, when the current view is smaller than Keypad/Alphapad and Auto scale enabled - Improve slider object modifying integer values (don't write a real value in PPO variable of type integer) - Set default mem_heap2_kb size from 4 MB to 8 MB for CE8, ELINE and PLINE - Add new parameter in configuration file, to set the utility heap used to decompress BMP, PNG, SVG, ZIP,... The default size is 8196 KB, it can be reduced to 1024 if you don't use tiny SVG (svg_enabled = 0) - Support GZIP with "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate" in http header - Support "RELOADFILEPERIODE" for the reload of camera images - Add new container variable "MB_BuildDateTime" to show the build date and time of the MicroBrowser app - Minimize exponent values like 1.2E+003 to 1.2E3 - Support new TCR format "NDIGITn", with n between 2 and 8 for significant digits. - Support new TCR format "METRICn", with n between 2 and 8 for significant digits. For example "METRIC4" to display a value like 123.4 kW (1.2340E+005), where the based unit defined in TCR is W and k prefix is automatically append in the unit (depending on the value) The Unit (SI) Prefixes supported are Y, Z, E, P, T, G, M, k, , m, u, n, p, f, a, z, y - Support new TCR format "M_REAL_Mn", is like METRICn but for M_REAL variables saved as DWORD - Support new repaint to automatically scroll the text in Text-Fields, if the text is too long to fit the field - Support "STARTLOADDATAS -s" in offline trend macro for loading data with silent mode - Bug fix when check_for_update = 1, loading of html files with different mfc_http_cache option may cause endless reloading of the project (it's hard to reproduce). - Minor bug fix in draw line with line width greater 1 - Fix issues in File > Capture Screen - CoDeSys 2: Bug fix with text display like INT_TO_REAL(var) - CoDeSys 3: Support rounded rectangle with alpha blend - CoDeSys 3: Support radial gradient for rectangle, rounded rectangle and ellipse - CoDeSys 3: Support command 59 (polyline with float coordinates) - CoDeSys 3: Fix some drawing/clipping issues with pictures, text and line objects - CoDeSys 3: Support isotropic scaling - CoDeSys 3: Bug fix from previous version, with alpha-blend and big-endian V. (2019.06.12) - Support TCR scale factor and offset on variables of type M_REAL and MRL2DECx - Save AppVersion in the registry (RFU) - Improve MicroBrowser close - Set default mem_heap1_kb size from 4 MB to 8 MB - Show OEM name in view with alpha blend (10 s if full screen enabled) - Support new container variables "MB_Period" to display the current refresh period "MB_Timestamp" to display the current timestamp in second "MB_Timestamp_ms" to display the current timestamp in millisecond "MB_Timestamp_us" to display the current timestamp in microsecond (ms*1000) - Bug fix with operator WRITE_OPERATION_TO_RESULT using some reserved container variables like "AUTOINCRCO", "MB_RunningTime", ... - Bug fix from beta version with missing image in drop-dowm-list - Support alignment in drop-dowm-list with image - Bug fix with missing encoding for # in http CGI write request - Bug fix in http redirection with absolute path but without http:// - Bug fix in http redirection from plain to ssl - CoDeSys 3: Show error message when using https on CoDeSys v3, is not supported yet! - CoDeSys 3: Support drawing rectangle, polygon and ellipse with alpha blend - CoDeSys 3: Support drawing text with pseudo alpha blend (use interior color on one point depending on the alignment) - CoDeSys 3: Show at least filled ellipses for unsupported gradient types - WCE: Fix file flush issues on external storage or flash drives - WCE8: Set default mem_heap1_kb size from 4 MB to 8 MB - WCE8: Set default mem_ramdisk_kb size from 4 MB to 8 MB - WCE8: Save StartURL and promptURL flag in the Registry too (useful if config file is in RAM) V. (2019.05.14) - Support SVG with 8 MB utility heap - Fix issues with unrecognized html file, due to missing width and height parameters in Applet tag - Fix scaling issues with scalars in online/offline trend macros and saves only active trends - Fix overlapping issues in drawing trend scalars and remove text "USER !" in the array to show values, where the user clicked - Support new repaint for text alignment flags in once - Support "USE FONT" repaint, like "Courier, 1, 14" for Courier Bold size 14, in IGraphicP (Online/Offline Trend) - Change the time range in offline trend with the requested start to end time, even if no data has been loaded. - CoDeSys 2: Support language switch of headline of table and alarm-table using the static language file - CoDeSys 2: Bug fix with missing rectangle in special case of an editable field defined without text display - CoDeSys 3: Add support of borders around pictures V. (2019.03.21) - Increase the default heap size for language resources to 2 MB for all platforms (like WCE) - Support "MB_Config.ScaleFactor" 0: Auto scale keep ratio, 1: No auto-scale, -1: Stretch, other to specify a scale factor like 1.6 - CoDeSys 2: Support alarm texts defined in language files (for both static and dynamic texts) - CoDeSys 2: Create (and export) static.csv, to see alarm texts from the alarm config file, when the translation is missing - CoDeSys 2: Fix issue with popup dialog instanced in a Master Visu and hidden with objects from the current visu (with dialogs like Change User Level or Change Language) - Support Save File from start timestamp, for example "SAVELOGSTOFILE-2700" (last-2700 .. last) or "SAVELOGSTOFILE_FROM_1234560000" - Don't show Out of memory messages, if offline trend macro is in online mode ("LOADINFONSTARTDATA -s") - Disable draw vertical line in tren macro, if the content of the file viewer is cleared by the HMI - Support ring buffer in offline trend too (if out of memory in heap3) - Keep the window size in Offline Trend macro, after a load block, if the MACRO DisplayedTime CO variable is defined V. (2019.03.05) - CoDeSys 2: Bug fix with formatting in button objects, since Beta version v.151 - Support new feature in Offline trend macro, working in such a online mode, to automatically reload new data every second without flickers V. (2019.02.19) - Show in log file, the number of lines parsed in OEM file, if found - Support file name with @PPO, like "MyFile@PPO_myVar[#CO_index#]@_@CO_suffix@.txt" -> MyFile4_1.txt - Fix minor drawing issues of PNG images (offset, cut off) - Support new TCR format "MRL2DECx", where x is the number of digit after the comma. Is like FLT2DECx but for M_REAL variables - Bug fix with ramdisk size greater than maximal size 16 MB - Support "PRINTF" to format a text %1 or %1% and then %10%, %11%, ... - Check for invalid file names, like "???" - AL2: Bug fix with missing text in Alarm header (if greater than 256) - Support "MB_Random" Container variable to generate a random number every time on read - Support both #sbc and #sfc to set the background and text color in FileViewer painter, for example "#sbc;128,128,128;#sfc;255,0,0;Text to draw..." - Increase the number of recursive background levels from 5 to 10 - Support new operator in action "WRITE OPERATION RESULT IN DESTINATION" "SUBSTRING" to copy a substring with a start index and optionally an end index "PRINTF" to format a text with multiple variables, using %1, %2.. %9 "STREPLACE" to replace all occurrences of a substring in a text. Optionally, one can define the number of occurrences to replace "SHA256" supports new argument to specify the number of bytes of the output hash key, default is 32 and can be lesser "SHA256B64" to compute a SHA256 key and print out the result in Base64. Support also the new argument to specify the size of the output buffer - Support Auto wrap of the text in Text-Field and Button painter. - Support resolution of HTML tag name with offsets in PPO variables, HTML-TAG like "Message_1000+@PPOFF_varName@" or with double direction "Message_1000+@PPOFF_MD400+#PPOFF_MB10#@" - Support new parameter "MB_Config.AutoScale" -> 0: Auto scale keep ratio, 1: No auto-scale, -1: Stretch, other to specify a scale factor like 1.6... - Show the format string as fallback, if for example the value is empty, like "My variable: %d" instead of nothing - Support pending requests (code -1335) from new alarming server - Support direct go to page number in AL2 - Bug fix in S7-1x00, with new xml encoding in value, like "-5" for "-5" - Support SCADA Prefix with new parameter "TargetPPOPrefix" - Fix compatibility issues in Drop-Down-List painters to show the selected item, even if the action POPUP A LIST is disabled, to be compatible with old web projects (designed for Java) - CoDeSys 2: Bug fix with missing host name in http header for PPO read, write, ... - CoDeSys 2: Bug fix with BMP files referenced like "icons\main.top.bmp" - CoDeSys 2: Bug fix with wrong format string like "Value [%]: %d" - CoDeSys 2: Do Sleep of 250 ms for tap action, instead of 200 ms - CoDeSys 2: Bug fix with wrong date (timezone offset) in alarm table - CoDeSys 2: Support time format with number of days "dd-hh:mm:ss", if hour > 24 - CoDeSys 2: Show out of range error if the input string length is out of bound - CoDeSys 2: Fix issue with wrong file requests, due to PPO values "???" returned by the server - CoDeSys 2: Bug fixes with too many variables requested in alarm view, do splitting of variables with modulo 4: none, bstate, date and time - CoDeSys 2: Bug fix with toggle button defined as a simple rectangle shape, wrongly showing fill-color-alarm and pressed state - CoDeSys 2: Bug fix with the use of dynamic colors in button objects - CoDeSys 2: Bug fix in Login if user name is empty. And reset password after login (for Logout) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V. (2018.07.10) - Support HMI designed with the SpiderControl Editor for Simatic S7-1200/1500 - New Authentication TEQ dialog for S7 with OK, Cancel buttons (without 3d) - Keep all files in Ramdisk if any archive file is defined in HTML file - Support ILR2 v2.02 with delay argument in write command, needed by the SCADA-Server - Update Web-Server to support keep-alive, ILR V.2.02, charset=utf-8, ... - Bug fix with the loading of config_page after a connection error - Support new Container variable "MB_ScaleFactorX" to get the horizontal scale factor - Support new Container variable "MB_ScaleFactorY" to get the vertical scale factor - Always disable cache for the loading of HTML page - Bug fix with kiosk mode since version 148.4 - CoDeSys 3: Line elements now have correct color - CoDeSys 3: Add function for rotated rectangles - CoDeSys 3: Add function for rotated pictures - CoDeSys 2: Improve online trends to display curves more than 500 sec. if needed, show at least 10 minutes V. (2018.03.19) - CoDeSys V3: Fix text rendering issues with unexpected TAB stop flag in format (First char. underlined) - CoDeSys V3: Fix issue with missing headers of dialog boxes - CoDeSys V3: Fix issue in image pool to avoid missing pictures. - CoDeSys V2: Fix issue with not editable ppo of hidden and enabled text field - CoDeSys V2: Fix issue with relative path (../) for xml files - CoDeSys V2: Fix special condition with invisible text overlapping a bitmap - SpiderControl: Bug fix with "POW" action V. (2018.01.22) - CoDeSys V2: Bug fix in Table objects since V.149.0 - Auto detect gzip file, even if the server doesn't return the Content-Encoding in header - Support URL jump with destination like ":8081/MyVisu.html" to keep on the same host but with another port - Support "MB_Calendar.Wday1InMonth" also without "_INDCO.xxxxxxxx" suffix V. (2017.12.22) - Only use alpha channel in PNG if really needed - Parameter becomes the number of pixel 0: disabled, 2: show 2-pix outline - Export CSV files from CoDeSys v2 static language file (*.vis) - Support SpiderControl CoDeSys v2 converted HMI (CoDeSys v2 protocol) - Fix issue with expired date in SSL Certificate and show detailed error code in log file - CoDeSys 3: Increase robustness of tcp communication - CoDeSys 3: Initialize variables correct - CoDeSys 3: Fix error in keep-alive - CoDeSzs 3: Fix paint issue with rounded rects filled with gradients - CoDeSys 3: fix encoding issue with space(s) in file name, uses %20 - CoDeSys 3: Fix problem with text of group elements - CoDeSys 3: Fix draw command of line - CoDeSys 3: Remove erroneous workaround for gradients V. (2017.11.09) - Support OEM Config file V.1.03 - CoDeSys V2: don't save the default language in MB_PERCO_19 anymore, save only if modified by the user - Fix issue when Date/Time format is defined twice, global in TCR file and local in text field. - Support new repaint method USE_INTERIORCOLOR_ONPRESSED (98) - Support new repaint method USE_OUTLINECOLOR_ONPRESSED (99) - CoDeSys V2: Bug fix in Table objects with wrong formatting of the data (TcWebVisu) - CoDeSys V2: Bux fix with wrong color displayed in Button element, using fill alarm color when pressed (WAT23409) - CoDeSys V2: Support static language switch (language.vis) - Re-implement Referer URL (bug fix) - Support Referer URL in SpiderLink too (mfc_http_en = 0) - Bug fix with arguments specified in the URL like start.html?vpiun=xxx&vpipw=yyy and with /?vpiun... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V. (2017.08.18) - Show Alert dialog if the SCADA ZelsWebSrv library doesn't start due to http port is busy, don't freeze anymore! - Support OEM Config file V.1.01, with customer options and show name in the title - Add Referer URL in http header (of the html page) for every following requests, to fix authentication issues in CGI calls with mfc_http_en=3 - Don't wait more than 2 seconds to close the app - Support new parameter in HTML file "CGI_RELATIVTOROOT", to send cgi-bin requests in a specific path or in the current document base, if the HMI is stored in a sub-folder, with "." - Change file format for station list like in iOS app, with ... instead of ... - Support both xml file format with ... and ... - Bug fix with chunked encoding in cgi-bin/ReadFile.exe, using SpiderLink (mfc_http_en = 0) [SBCSC-689] - Bug fix with Cookies in SpiderLink (mfc_http_en = 0) - CoDeSys V2: Fix bug that displays text above bitmap graphics - CoDeSys V2: Fix bug that slider do not work if it was disabled during initial load - CoDeSys V2: Fix table that do not show all parameters - CoDeSys V2: Now keypad interprets only numeric values - CoDeSys v3: Workaround for radial gradients for rounded rects and ellipse - CoDeSys v3: Workaround for axial gradients for polygons - CoDeSys v3: Include special case with alpha channel is zero for filling colour and outline of polygons V. (2017.06.15) - Support new parameter in configuration file to specify a list of extensions of the file to save with CDSv2 INTERN LINK, or in URL Jump action - Show system notification (if any) before showing the Save As dialog in trend macro - Add missing file separator at the end of the -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V. (2017.06.14) - Bug fix with unexpected encoding of special characters (#) in URL Jump, in a new window using relative path (2017.06.07) - Show the right version number in http header (User-Agent: MicroBrowser_CE/V. - Fix frozen view issue on Shift-X (Close MicroBrowser) - Supports inactivity_pts_ms max value 1 hour instead of 1 minute - MBCE: Supports DEMO MODE (5 min) (2017.05.19) - MBCE: Supports SEHAL Library and use CP3API as fallback only - Supports new API in ZelWebServ library (for licensing with OEM file) - Improves performance with fast access on Ramdisk - Re-implements the gracefully close of the MicroBrowser, with immediate disconnect of the current request. - Supports new action "GET LOCAL FOLDER NAME IN DESTINATION" (49), to select a folder and write the path into the Destination Container or PPO variable. Optionaly, one can define the title in Source - Change default value mfc_http_en = 3 for both CGI and files CoDeSys 3: - Fix issue with chapters in Image Pool - Include clipping - Bugfix: Resize pictures during load, conversion to bitmap and first paint - Update generation of json filename V. (2017.03.02) - Fix issue with reading PPO variables using special character in names for Panasonic PLC - Bug fix in His Offline Alarm macro for Panasonic - Fix directory traversal issue in web-server - Fix crash issue when using extremly long file names (CSV) in html parameters - CoDeSys v2: Bug fix in Bitmap element with wrong frame color displayed when alarm state ON. And remove the repaint to show pressed state for toggle action in Bitmap element, it's only visible for buttons V. (2017.02.08) - Fix crash or white screen issue after entering invalid URL (bug since V.146) - Don't create empty file in RA cache, if file not found - Supports new action "GET LOCAL FILE NAME IN DESTINATION", to write any file path (using file open dialog) into Container or PPO variable. - Performs boot_delay_sec before showing the window, in order to fix kiosk mode issue in auto-start (PCC) - Bug fixes with http redirection (305, 307, ...) and relative location - CoDeSys v3: include linear gradient for rectangle, rounded rectangle and elliptic objects - CoDeSys v3: include function to rotate pictures +90 degree - CoDeSys v3: fix drawing of elliptic elements with border size 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V. (2016.12.22) - Supports live images with prefix "nocache" (is not case sensitive anymore) images will not be stored in cache memory. - Fix memory leak and crash with live images "nocache", on corrupted image files returned by the web-server - Show right version for Windows 10 and show platform (x86) in log file and in CO "MB_OS_NAME" - CoDeSys v3: Supports Port Authentication V. (2016.11.09) - Supports at least 10'000 objects for MicroBrowser-XP and 5'000 for CE - Supports multiple occurrences of PPO variables in HTML tag, like "@PPO_var1@ @PPO_var2@", even if ppo variables are not referenced in the view. - Fix buffer overflow issue in loading TEQ file while parsing multiple @PPO_name@ in HTML tags - CoDeSys 2: Fix issue with bitmap using special characters and with enabled compress flag - CoDeSys v3: Support Server Authentication with user name and password - Bug fix with clear and load trend data from pre-release v145 (2016.08.31) - Increase the default value of img_mem_max for wce, from 4 MB to 40 MB (CE) - Set default value optimize_first_redraw = 1 to keep compatible - Improves Drop-Down-List with the support of drag events for the selection of the item and to scroll the list. - Don't show the Warning Button if Message Box is disabled, with empty "MessageBox" parameter in html file. - Force reload file if any RELOADFILEPERIOD is defined (FV, GR, DDL) - Minor bug fix in graphic-painter, on parsing container variable with crv data - Supports to copy large file content into big container variables (like $BS2048_name) - Minor bug fix in slider - CoDeSys v2: Bug fix in scroll bar since V.145 of 13/7/2016 - Supports new Repaint in Drop-Down-List, to reload file every N repaints, or only once with value -1 - Supports resolved name for info type FILE in DDL - Don't show Warning Button if DDL failed to load file - Supports HTML parameter for WAGO too - Fixes small issues with invalid URL in configuration dialog (re-open) - Supports debugging of touch/mouse events, with debug.flags=0x02 in uBrowser.oem file - Supports new parameter in uBrowser.oem, to activate the debug message box, like "debug.box.level=1", this will set the container "MB_DebugBoxLevel" - Supports new parameters in config file: in order to set the background color of the screen (outside the TEQ view), like #ff8040 or 255,128,64 Let the field empty to not set any background color. 0: disabled, 1: enabled, show the view immediately after a view jump before the initialization of PPO variables 0: disable, else specify the number of seconds, hold touch down to return on the configuration page. - Supports negative values for coordinator in TEQ file - CoDeSys v2: Fixed issues with objects defined with negative position - Quit VM task immediately on exit V. (2016.08.31) - Bug fix in loading trend config if the list name is empty (PxC) - Fix timeout issues while loading trends, due to wrong syntax in http header (PxC) - Bug fix in autoscaling of button painters that minimize pictures to size zero. - Bug fix in TextField painter, to show the right TCR min/max in keypad - Optimize swipe - CoDeSys 2: Fixed placedholder routines for variables with multiple placeholders - CoDeSys 2: Fixed static scaling factor calculation for polyline with width or height 0 - CoDeSys 2: Fixed dynamic x and y coordinate transformation for sub view with static scale factor - CoDeSys 2: Fixed dynamic rotation algorithm for case with dynamic scaling - CoDeSys V2: Supports Action: INTERN LINK VAR_NAME (Jump to the URL, in the specified variable) - Translates error messages like "Invalid entry!" or "Value out of range!" (en, de, fr, es, it) V. (2016.06.09) - Supports E-Line HW detection for Sütron and PxC - Supports global TCR formatting and min/max check, with the PPO resolved name in TCR file (indexed ppo name @COFF) - Supports Debug Message Box enabled with debug level 2, or with the Container variable "MB_DebugBoxLevel" - CoDeSys V2: Bug fix in alarm table and table object (crash) - And don't show the horizontal scrollbar due to the width of an optional vertical scrollbar (vertical scrollbar is drawn over the table) - CoDeSys V2: Supports Alarming table with buttons translated FR, DE and default EN, if the project use dynamic texts in language file. - Don't ask image file with an invalid file name, due to unresolved @CO or @PPO - Supports entering time value like "0:59" or ":59" instead of "00:59" - Supports entering date value like "1:12:16" instead of "01:12:16" - Fix issue with FKEY released lost, if any other key is pressed in the meantime. - Fix issue in Bargraph-Painter with drawing outline rectangle if scaler is disabled - Bug fix: start MicroBrowser with http URL as argument on Windows 7 and greater - CoDeSys V2: Added function to store last used language in persistent container No. 19 to restore it after restart instead of default language. - Bug fix in FileViewer painter with the selection of cell in the last line without LF -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V. (2016.03.17) - CoDeSys V2: Support Alarm sub-ID _0, _1, ... - Fix issue with swipe event. Now the behaviour of swiping is more natural. - Codesys V2: Re-implementation of the redundant mode (2016.03.04) - Bug fix in Audit trail, when writting on indexed variables (Error 2001: Undefined PPO !) (2016.02.03) - Supports NOCACHE prefix in image file (2016.01.13) - Use parameters and in the CoDeSys TEQ file converter, to set the minimum size. (2015.12.09) - CoDeSys V2: Fix issues with relative motion for line object (top, bottom, left, right). (2015.11.19) - Fix issue in FV painter, to support SelectIndexOnce in the first repaint too. - Support HTTP Redirection with code 307 and 305 - Fix issue with horizontal slider using integer values (2015.10.26) - CoDeSys V2: Supports isotropic image resize - CoDeSys V3: Supports keep-alive socket connection - Supports the following Resize info "0": Disabled, "1": Isotropic, "2": Stretch, "3": Clip - Export built-in keypad TEQ files too - Bug fix with min/max check in TCR for resolved PPO name V. (2015.10.09) --beta-- - CoDeSys V3: Fix issue with missing CSV file for image pool, continue the loading. - Set new default size from 23 to 50 px, for the warning button (1, 1, 50, 50) - Set new default MsgBox from 320x240 to 480x360, if there is no one defined in the project. (2015.10.05) - Fix issues with empty PPO name in OrderValues CGI request (if the PPO name was not defined in the second column of the TCR file) - Fix issues with missing TCR parameters (if the PPO name was not defined in the second column of the TCR file) - Encode 0x7F char in URL - Critical bug fix since beta version 143.0, with a buffer overflow in the MsgBox (in case of errors). - Increase the max number of container variables from 10000 to 50000. - Write the default heap sizes in KB in the config file, instead of 0, if new created. - Supports Swipe events (Action: REGISTER SWIPE EVENT) - Fix issue on PPO write with empty value, when using http native code (mfc_http_en=3) V. (2015.09.08) -- beta -- - CoDeSys V2: Supports PLC switching between Master and redundant PLC (VOITH) V. (2015.09.07) -- beta -- - CoDeSys V2: Supports horizontal scroller in alarm-table - CoDeSys V2: Bug fix with the scaling of alarm-table into a subvisu - CoDeSys V2: Supports dynamic languages in the header row of table and alarm-table - Add new operators "SINH", "COSH", "TAN", "TANH", "SQRT", "POW", "EXP", "LOG", "LOG10" in action OPERATION_TO_DEST. (2015.08.31) - CoDeSys V2: Supports the horizontal scroller in table object - CoDeSys v2: Fix issues in table object with font properties and text alignment, when using template. - Supports "DEMO MODE (5)!", if no valid license key is found - Fix issues with white screen, if ppo name is empty in the second column of the TCR file. - Fix issues with wrong formatting and min max check if the ppo name is empty in the second column of the TCR file. - Activate the encoding PPO to UTF-8, from GetSrvInfo with charset "utf-8", to perform the cgi-bin/writeVal.exe in UTF-8 too V. (2015.08.25) -- beta -- - CoDeSys V2: Bug fix with scaling of table, use the right column width and row height - CoDeSys V2: Supports scrollbar(s) placed over the table - CoDeSys V2: Bug fix with scaling of subvisu, when using table with column templates - CoDeSys V2: Bug fix with displaying values in a table, using column templates and referenced in a subvisu - CoDeSys V2: Show error myVisu.xml not found instead of myVisu.teq - Fix issues that sometimes it lose the content of the current view while opening the MsgBox.teq (due to TEQ-reload on EventP) V. (2015.08.12) -- beta -- - mblib add some error printout and log messages in debug file during HTML5 convert on errors - mblib debug remove some not needed global var or struct part + add init code for some of the html5 needed global vars - mblib project visual2012 modify so now use visual6 compiler to debug crash error in bigger project and make the mblib compatible with XP V. (2015.07.16) -- beta -- - Bug fix in SBC Alarming 2, with colors depending on group greater than 8. - Bug fix in eweb-server with activated keep-alive V. (2015.07.14) -- beta -- - Supports also long text in HTML tags when using @PPO_ in tag name - CoDeSys v2: Fix the bug showing Alarm table - CoDeSys v2: Fix issue if the number of variables returned by the web-server does not match with the nr of variables requested in the read command. V. (2015.07.07) -- beta -- - Fixes Critical Bug in FileViewer painter, since the last changes in AL2 - CoDeSys v2: Fix small issues in Meter object, when the label was too small for the text - CoDeSys v2: Fix small issues in Histogram objects, bar width was sometime too small - CoDeSys v3: Fixed line draw method V. (2015.06.24) -- beta -- - Supports new Alarm 2 Macro Version 22 - Increase the number of columns from 20 to 40 for the FileViewer painter. - CoDeSys v2: Fix issues with over dimensional texts, due to negative font sizes - CoDeSys v3: added new feature to handle multi-packets containing HMI information. - CoDeSys v3: corrected button graphics of 2D and 3D buttons at touch down. - CoDeSys v2: corrected polyline coordinates. - CoDeSys v2: corrected condition to choose appropriate line orientation. V. (2015.06.10) -- beta -- - Minor changes to build for 64-bit -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V. (2015.06.02) - CoDeSys v2: Fix issue in trend object with missing or wrong icon on the horizontal bar to reset the time scroller - CoDeSys v2: Supports Japanese code-pages for encoding with "ms932" and "cp932" (same as "shift_js") - CoDeSys v2: Supports pipe characters in PLC value (read/write) - CoDeSys v2: Fix offset issue in drawing image with outline border enabled. - CoDeSys v2: Fix issue on parsing variable list in xml file, variables defined with enum. - CoDeSys v2: Increases the XML content size supported, from 2 KB to 20 KB - CoDeSys v2: Bug fix in table object using template to hide and disable cell on condition - CoDeSys v2: Supports opening remote file with command like "INTERN LINK http://localhost/help.pdf" - Supports URL Jump like "http://hostname/help.pdf", to open any document with the default program. For extensions pdf, txt, log, doc, docx, xls, csv, tsb, bmp, gif, png, jpg, jpeg, avi, mp3, mp4 and mpeg V. (2015.05.20) -- beta -- - CoDeSys v2: Supports dynamic Gain and Offset defined as PLC variables - CoDeSys v2: Use the same interior color for table, alarm and slider objects, as in WebVisu Applet - CoDeSys v2: Bug fix with font style and text alignment in table and alarm objects - Don't display more than 10 times an error message in Write Operation to Result action. (2015.05.12) - Bug fix in SpiderLink from the previous version (Failed to update PPO on Panasonic) - Supports scale factor for PPO in offline trend macro - Supports Clear Logs and Re-init in Alarming 2 V. (2015.05.11) -- beta -- - Fix issue in URL jump if any popup dialog (MsgBox/keypad) was opened - Update source code of the eWebServer - Supports three new logical conditions with NAND, NOR, XNOR - Supports two new conditions: COND_OR_EQUAL0: // if ((a|b) == 0) COND_OR_NOTEQUAL0: // if ((a|b) != 0) - Supports four new operators in the action "Write Operation To Destination" "!" // res = !arg0, returns boolean value 0 or 1 "NAND" // res = ~(arg0&arg1) "NOR" // res = ~(arg0|arg1) "XNOR" // res = ~(arg0^arg1) - CoDeSys v2: Full support of expressions with AND and OR, using boolean or bytes,... - CoDeSys v2: Supports expression like (MyVar AND 16#40), returns the value of the bitwise operation. - CoDeSys v2: Fix issues with wrong expression like AND(1) V. (2015.04.20) -- beta -- - CoDeSys V2: Bug fix in parsing expression like "SEL" - Small changes in SpiderLink V. (2015.03.19) -- beta -- - CoDeSys V3: Bug fix in receiving data (infinite loop in case of error). V. (2015.03.12) -- beta -- - Calls zels_stop() before closing the MicroBrowser - Fix issue with formating date and time using TCR offset for the source ppo declared as an Int. - Fix word alignment issue in decompressing JPEG file using embedded code. - Supports CoDeSys even when using a ST1 license code. - Supports UTF-8 in TCR file - Bug fix in SBC alarming macro - Supports #COP_xxx# like @COP_ - Fix issue with negative operand in @COP - CoDeSys v2: Bug fix with multiple AND, OR, ... expressions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V. (2015.02.06) - Add new CO "MB_CursorHide", r/w: Write 0 or 1 to respectively hide or show the cursor on Windows - Bug fix with some Adobe PNG images. - CoDeSys v2: Bug fix with table and alarm defined in a subvisu Beta V. (2015.01.29) - MBCE: Fix issue with month 13 in date and time conversion from Unix timestamp - Creates Warning Button in the main TEQ file at least with factor 1 - CoDeSys v2: Fix text alignment issue in table object Beta V. (2015.01.21) - Supports CO "MB_Heap[n].use" and "MB_Heap[n].max", for Heap 1, 2, 3, 4 and LR - Supports LOCAL_TCR_UNIT on TF and BTN painters - Bug fix with condition ISFLOAT, "1.2Abc" is not a float anymore - Check if the start URL is not empty, before decrementing the counter in MB_Config's main view - Bug fix with auto-scale defined in uBrowser.xml (kiosk=2, prompt_url=0) Beta V. (2015.01.12) - Bug fix while loading file with SpiderLink (mfc_http_en = 0), using chunk-transfer. - Display password PPO/CO with "****", in button and drop-down-list painters too, like in Applet. - Keep the user defined maximized window size on next startup, and don't preserve the minimized position. - Supports property "SELECTINDEXESONCE" in FileViewer painter. - Implements encrypted password in xml station file, Plain -> AES256 -> Base64 - Do show password in Edit view. - Implements the xml encoding in the station file, for '<' (<) and '&' (&) Beta V. (2014.11.14) - Bug fix while loading file with SpiderLink, using chunk-transfer. - Bug fix in OrderValues CGI request, with PPO name like "Abc+1". - Improves the check for VPI login. - Supports TCR format "hex2int", Hex. value "0x5fd" displayed as decimal value "1533". - CoDeSys v3: Bug fix with keypads when entering an out of range value. - CoDeSys v2: Bug fix with formating defined and subvisu -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V. (2014.09.24) - MBXP: Fix issue with multiple monitors, Reset position to (10, 10) when the window is out of the virtual screen size. - MBXP: Adds new menu item View -> Fit to Window. - Supports http URL on CGI action - CoDeSys v2: Bug fix with long variable name Beta V.137.6 (2014.08.22) - Supports three new operators NOR, NAND and XNOR in the evaluation of conditions - CoDeSys v2: Fix issue with conditions - CoDeSys v2: Bug fix with the display of TRUE or FALSE instead of text or numbers. Beta V.137.5 (2014.08.19) - CoDeSys v2: Bug fix since V.136, with conditions. Beta V.137.4 (2014.07.30/AL2) - AL2: Supports status line in response of a load block (for action=lhis or ldef) to show the filtered list size (Nr of pages for filtered alarm list) ;;... Beta V.137.3 (2014.07.28/AL2) - Supports iniNet standard alarming 2 - Supports "\l" in FileViewer painter for line break in cell on multiline mode. Beta V.137.2 (2014.07.15/SBC) - Bug fix in DDL - Bug fix in trend macro Web-Editor 8, force write in the list of available trend, even if the variable is not defined yet. - Supports new container "WindowMaxInDays" in HDLog trend macro, for Zoom out action too. - Supports connection error code 10 in config page: No route to host, and do not lost the context. V. (2014.06.03) - Supports mfc_http_en 3 for files and all cgi-bin requests - Add parameters http_user and http_pass in config file (MB_VER: 138), to set user name and password for http server authentication - Add parameters proxy_user and proxy_pass in config file (MB_VER: 138), to set user name and password for http proxy authentication - MB_STATION: Add missing http:// on station list href CO - MB_STATION: Support actions MB_STATION_UP, _DW, _DEL and _SET - Bug fix in parsing date/time, with wrong date - Bug fix in parsing date/time with daylight offset - Small bug fix in chunked transfer encoding (SpiderLink) - CoDeSys v2: Bug fix with place holder name using with spaces like "my place holder" - CoDeSys v2: Supports text replacement in placeholder like 'Hello World!' V. (2014.05.02/SBC) - Supports SBC alarming 2 with alarm text in PPO. - Supports SBC HDLog-Trends with file listing. - ROFST Supports WindowMaxInDays - ROFST Supports "REINIT2" V. (2014.04.09) - MB-XP: Fix issue on drawing PNG images clipping on painter size, using the spcimgapi.dll - Reload file from server once if failed - Add CO: "MB_imageCacheUsage" and "MB_imageCacheMax" - Action: Use integer for logical shift operations "LSL" and "LSR" (value becomes negative if bit 31 is set) - Supports new slider macro to work with integer instead of float, for the destination variable. - CoDeSys v2: Remove 3D on CoDeSys dialogs (Language, Password, ...) - CoDeSys v2: Use codepage Windows-1252 as default - CoDeSys v2: Supports expressions with "AND" and "OR" - CoDeSys v2: Supports outline style: point, dashed, dashed-point and dashed-point-point - CoDeSys v2: Supports dynamic outline width and dynamic outline style - CoDeSys v2: Supports font style for underlined and strikeout texts - CoDeSys v2: Bug fix with dynamic font style or width changing - CoDeSys v2: Bug fix with font size not scaled in some cases - CoDeSys v2: Bug fix with group clipping - CoDeSys v2: Bug fix when language file was missing on the server - CoDeSys v2: Bug fix since MB-XP V.132, with user level defined in group and subvisu V. (2014.03.12/XP) - Fix issue with CoDeSys WebVisu using code pages - Increase default heap sizes for MicroBrowser XP to 4 MB - Support "Content-Encoding: gzip" - CoDeSys v2: Support compressed language files - CoDeSys v3: Bug fix with views bigger than screen size. V. (2014.02.26/CE) - Bug fix with white screen, when failed to connect several times - Bug fix with png images using alpha-blend - Bug fix in Calendar macro with wrong timestamp generated in "SET_TS" action - Bug fix in bit shift LSL and LSR actions (bit 31) - CoDeSys v2: Bug fix with actions in group element. - CoDeSys v2: Bug fix with language dialog - CoDeSys v2: Bug fix with reset password V. (2014.02.05) - Supports AuditTrail service (enabled by HMI). - Supports basic authentication login within HMI. - Supports new actions with operators "BSET" and "BCLR" (bit set and bit clear) - Supports hexadecimal values like "0x80", for bit mask in conditions and bit values in BSET/BCLR - Fix issue in Button painter to display any pressed or disabled source, without any edit source defined. - Fix issue to edit variables with long name - Supports container "MB_IsApp", returns "1" for Android and iOS App, "0" or undefined for other platforms. - Supports Container "MB_BrowserTypeID", returns "20" for MicroBrowser (1:Applet, 5:HTM5, 10: nanoBrowser, 20: MicroBrowser) - Supports the return to config page after 5 seconds long pressing, configurable with "MB_Config.ReturnToConfigInSec", N seconds (0 disabled). - Improves selection of objects for CoDeSys (ignores NOP) - Supports #d in curve file, to draw dots in IGraphic painter - Fix issue with non-blocking socket in connect/recv/send - Show error message like "Failed to connect..." instead of "File not found", if the target is not reachable. - Show detailed error message for connection in log file, like No route to host or Connection timed out, ... - For MB-XP: increase default heap sizes from 1 MB to 4 MB, for heap 3 and 4 (Offline trend and Online trend) - CoDeSys v2: Supports more than 1 action per element. - CoDeSys v2: Supports recipe management. - CoDeSys v2: Supports client write access. - CoDeSys v2: Supports run of external programs. - CoDeSys v3: Bug fixes V. (2013.12.12) - Supports NOP Action - Update CoDeSys, fix issue with date and time, mirror, ... - Re-impl. TEQ jump "@FULLRELOAD", to perform the reload of the current TEQ with onLostFocus and onGainFocus V. (beta 2013/11/01) - Small modifications in MB_STATION, update nr of stations on save, supports save and reload... - Small bug fix in HDLog trend (Vaillant App) - Enable CP1252 per default for CSV file - CoDeSys v2: Fixed issue with combination of placeholder and scrollbar. - CoDeSys v2: Support parameter FORCEDLOAD. - CoDeSys v2: Bug fix, may crash on missing sub-visu file V. (beta 2013/10/16) - CoDeSys v2: Latest bug fixes V. (beta 2013/09/30) - Supports new alphapad.teq with äöüàéè... - Fix issue with 16 characters license code from previous beta version - keep-alive per default enabled - Bug fix with horizontal/vetical lines and width/height offset. - Local files are now also exported. - CoDeSys v2: corrected line orientation. - Close socket if return code is 400 (bad request). - Support special characters in alphapad. V. (beta 2013/09/13) - License dialog, enabled OK button only if the license code has 16 characters - Fix issues in Alarming macro from V.131e - Supports new Calendar macro used in BacNet macros (displays days of the week) - Stop Logger if the output file has reached the maximum allowed size (1 MB) for debug_level 2 too V. (beta 2013/08/30) - Supports Beckhoff BacNet Alarming macro - Supports instance variables in Calendar macro, with CO "MB_Calendar.name_INDCO.xxxxxxxx" - Support new Offline Trend Macro "OfflineTrendComplete_6_21_00", with loading date like END-3600 or START+3600 and calendar - Suggest file name with the current date "Trd_YYYY-MM-DD.csv" for trend log file - Suggest file name with the current date "Alr_YYYY-MM-DD.csv" for alarm log file - Bug fixes in Drop-Down-List painter V. (beta 2013/08/27) - Improves the drawing of loading message defined in the config file , on URL jump and View jump. - CoDeSys v2: Improves the display of TIME/DATE/TIMEOFDAY/DATEANDTIME variables. - Improves drag event in slider objects. (beta 2013/08/02) - Fix issue with conditions - New bargraph painter supporting pies - Fix small issue in drawing trend's scales with large integer numbers - Bug fix on the new SBC login form - CoDeSys v2: small modifications V. (beta 2013/06/21) - Supports pies in Circular Gauge painter if interior color is enabled (like in Applet). - Fix issue in mblib html5 converter to support pathes with special characters éàèöäü - Fix issue with SBC PLC using keep-alive, first chunk and later content-length, in SpiderLink (issues in Android/iOS App) - CoDeSys v2: Support webvisulogin.htm. - CoDeSys v2: Fix issue with negative outline width V. (beta 2013/06/06) - Supports conditions IsInt and IsFloat - Returns False for all bit compare conditions if one of the input is not valid. - Supports Container "MB_Calendar.timestamp" with actions "SET_TS" and "GET_TS" - Add CO: "MB_CONTACT_NAME", "MB_CONTACT_EMAIL" and "MB_CONTACT_WWW" - Supports exporting HD-Log trend files too. - Fix double line issues in HD-Log trend - Bug fix in ppo update with ILR and debug_level > 1 - Bug fix with PPO Not found error, on scroller macro. - Support new action: "GETINDEXOF", get index of a substring (arg2) in a string (arg1) starting from index (arg3 optional) - Bug fix on rotate scaled image - Prompt user before switching to Full-Screen - Add menu item: File -> Open Config File (uBrowser.xml) - Fix issue with Unicode char in XML file path. - Support keep-alive socket in SpiderLink, ILR and CoDeSys V2.x, if option enabled in Config file and if the web-server support it. - Menu File->Capture Screen is only enabled after a TEQ jump, when the view has been refreshed. - Support SBC multi-state Binary trend in HD-Log - Support action DO_BEEP in MicroBrowser XP/CE too (play beep.wav) - Display float values with %g, after any operation. - Retrieve cookies in SpiderLink CGI, on HTTP redirection with HTTP/1.x 301, 302, 303 - Slider now works with floating values. - Bug fix in combination with slider macro and scale factor. - CoDeSys v2: Support bitmap column in alarm table. - CoDeSys v2: Alarm table is now sorted by priority. - CoDeSys v2: Show popup if alarm occurs (only INTO event). - CoDeSys v2: Small bug fixes in the alarm table. - CoDeSys v2: Support view jump with arguments: (:=, :=,..., :=) - CoDeSys v2: Fix issue with trend markers and labels not shown properly. - CoDeSys v2: Fix issue with not updated variables, due to spaces in name (myArray[1, 2] vs myArray[1,2]) - CoDeSys v2: Fix issue in polyline object with interior color. - CoDeSys v2: Supports specifying STARTVISU in URL, with argument for exemple "visu.htm?DEMO" where query argument "DEMO" is the start page "demo.xml" Can be used only with: document.writeln(''); See sample file: visu.htm - CoDeSys v2: Default language is now taken from dynamic text file. - CoDeSys v3: Support "DrawPie" command, to draw arcs and pie charts. For MB-XP: - Detect Server or Workstation for MB_OS_NAME, Supports: - Workstation: Windows 8, 7, Vista, XP,... - Server: Windows Server 2012, 2008 R2, 2008, 2003,... - Add Product Type for server (1: Workstation, 3: Server) in MB_OS_VERSION ("6.1.7601.2,3" for Win Server 2008 R2) - If the MicroBrowser XP is installed under Program Files, and the OS Version is greater than 5 (since Vista) then the App path is redirected to the user's AppData folder (Config files, Log file, ...) For Windows 8, 7 and Vista: C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\SpiderControl\MicroBrowser\ (For Windows XP: unused! C:\Documents and Settings\\Application Data\SpiderControl\MicroBrowser\ C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\\Anwendungsdaten\SpiderControl\MicroBrowser\) Otherwise, if the MicroBrowser is installed in another folder, the behavior will not change. - Fix issues when opening log file on Windows Vista and Windows 7 - Fix scroll bar issue on Windows 8 V. (beta 2013/03/26) - Supports multiple cookies in SpiderLink too (with mfc_http_en=0) - Supports keep-alive on ILR requests, if option is enabled in config file (keep_alive=1) - CoDeSys v2: Support "OLDSPACEMASK" parameter in HTML file. - CoDeSys v2: Sometimes language was changed to the default language on TEQ jumps. - CoDeSys v2: Supports the loading of Beckhoff HTML file with Show() method (bug fix from 130) - CoDeSys v3: Support CoDeSys 3.5 SP2 - CoDeSys v3: Various small bug fixes. V. (2013/03/20) - CoDeSys v2 support DO_SLEEP 200ms to fix issue in tab actions - Enable MB_UpdateAfterCoWrite only on user action, do not stress PLC with EventP (HD-Log). - For SpiderControl project on Wago plc, skip invalid PPO variables in refresh PPO Variables must begin with M, I or Q and second character is one of the following B, D, W or X - Fix issue with null byte in ppo value returned by SBC xx7 PCD for S7-String. - Fix issue in HD-Log trend with two log files, using prefix like "L01" and "L01_TR" - Bug fix in parsing date and time with TXT2UTS and UTS2TXT V. (2013/03/6) - Fix issue with MB_Config pages and file not found when pressing on settings button, And do not use separate task anymore, for the counter. - Encode ';' with %3b in CGI, due to SBC PCD cuts the string with ';' For example "A;B" becomes "A" with /cgi-bin/writeVal.exe?ppo+A;B - Bug fix with container "MB_BringWindowToTop" - CoDeSys: Bug fix with background images not resized correctly. V. (2013/02/14) - Supports action "SHA256" - Bug fixes to defined more than 20 stations in xml file - Init mutil heaps on the fly V. (2013/02/7) - Implements gracefully close log file. - Bugfix in mblib, do not reload start page from config file, if the specified URL is not valid. - Bug fix in MB-XP with Config dialog and Cancel button. - Support export mode 5 for Matthias - Bug fix in Alarm macro, if the macro is not height enough to display at least one line. V. (2013/01/25) - Support built-in TEQ files (keypad, MsgBox...), even in local mode, if file not found in project. - Fix issue with offset of keypad TEQ file, if scale factor and full-screen is enabled. - Supports setting of MB_tmz_en defined in ITQ file (Container init in web project). - Bug fix, return to the local config page, if anything wrong happens and the heap 1 (TEQ file) is empty. V. (2013/01/22) - Bug fix with password PPO when using symbol (TCR file) - Fix issue in FV trend macro configured with NO_EVENT for selection V. (2013/01/17) - MB-CE Set default RA size from 1 to 2 MB - Show number of image cleared in cache with its estimation size in bytes, in log file. - Bugfix from previous modifications, with image size in first draw - Support POPUPASELECTLIST action in DDL, even if it's not the first action in the list. - Support CoDeSys html file for beckhoff with javascript, function Show(plc, startVisu) and (2013/01/8) - Support .cgi interface if ILR3 enabled, for all services /cgi-bin/readVal.cgi?VarName /cgi-bin/writeVal.cgi?VarName=value /cgi-bin/ILRReadValues.cgi /cgi-bin/ILRWriteValues.cgi New: /cgi-bin/OrderValues.cgi?... /cgi-bin/ReadFile.cgi?FileName /cgi-bin/alarm.cgi?... /cgi-bin/trend.cgi?... /cgi-bin/FileOps.cgi?... - Support self closing tag in micro xml parser, like - Bugfix in CoDeSys on Beckhoff PLC and support relative path for Upnp service (without http://hostname/ in param value) (2012/12/21) - Retry to load image files 5 times - Add prefix "Alr_" for alarm CSV file, when saving LOG file and uBrowser.built_in_dialog is enabled - Add prefix "Trd_" for alarm CSV file, when saving LOG file and uBrowser.built_in_dialog is enabled - In SpiderLink restore file name in ANSI for HTTP GET and POST requests (modification from 129 beta 9), and support UTF-8 only if "srv_utf8_en=1" is defined in uBrowser.oem - Add BOM for UTF-8 in log file to see correctly öäü in file requests (2012/12/14) - Do not set modified flag of MB_Config, on loading data from registry - Do not set modified flag of MB_Perco, on loading perco file - Add in MicroBrowser config file (MB_VER: 136): 0 top-left, 1:top-centered, 2:top-right, 4: middle centered, ... - Set view_alignment to 4, when writing on MB_Config.AutoScaleEn and view_alignment not defined yet. - Reload the current view when writing on MB_Config.AutoScaleEn - CoDeSys: support bit operation AND (&). - Add log messages in mblib, when converting project from PLC-Editor. - Bug fix in scada export CE: - Add user notify functions when writing on FlashDrv (CE) - Bug fix BMP crash on CE panel, due to misalignment in struct. - Open Log file with "pword.exe" #(beta9) - Add "Open Log file" in menu File - In SpiderLink let the file name in UTF-8 for HTTP GET and POST requests, do not convert anymore in Ansii. - Increase UNIT_WIDTH in trend macro from 30 to 36, to display 6 digit, and display values like "1E+003" to "1E3" - Keep the minimum line width of 1 px on resizing the view #(beta8) - Support scada export mode 2 - Support SSL for files and CGI interface with enabled (=3) (Except for: AEL, HDLog, Load Project ID, File transfer macro,...) - Support following values 0: disabled, 1: for files only, 2: for cgi only, 3: for file and cgi - Support CoDeSys V.3 with both applet and javascript HTML file ("webvisu.js"). - Support file name with Unicode characters in HTTP_FT (File transfer with Scada Web Server) - Support recursive background TEQ (until 5 TEQ files) - Skip leading spaces in condition " 0" - Bug fixes in CoDeSys and add base address in TCR file for SCADA export. - Add write only CO variable "MB_REQ_REDRAW", to schedule a new redraw, 1: full or cond. depending on the platform (conditionnal for embedded MB), 2: force full redraw, 3: conditional redraw - Perform a full redraw when writting 1 (re-enable) on container varaible "@MB_FULL_REDRAW" #(beta7) - Supports disabling trancparency with "image.blt.transparency=0" line in uBrowser.oem file - VM: do not print error if zip file not found (Archive file specified with HTML tag) - Add id param. in mblib logger cb function, pInfo->pLog(pInfo->pContext, -1000, "Not implemented yet!", MBL_ERROR); #(beta6) - Do not save window position on exit, if full-screen is enabled. - Remove leading spaces in TEQ file name - Add verbose argument -v (CE), and show openend file if verbose is enabled. - MBLib: Add MBL_mouseDrag() to support scroller in simulator #(beta5) - Set default receive timeout of 1 minute for SBC, in case of mfc_http_en=1 - Set default send timeout from 5 to 10 sec. #(beta4) - Support configurable timeouts in MicroBrowser config file connection timeout in milliseconds receive timeout in milliseconds send timeout in milliseconds - Show error in MsgBox if the MB failed to load any TCR file. - Update eweb and add MIME types for HTML5, svg, js, ... - Increase the number of files that can be created in Ramdisk for MB-XP from 64 to 500 (for ZIP-Archive) - Fix display error on display of units in trend macro - Increase UNIT_WIDTH from 30 to 42, to be able to display values like 1E+006 in trend's units - Skip CALL_EXT_JS action to be ignored by the MB. #(beta3) - Cache whole project at beginning when "" set to "2" in "uBrowser.xml" ("2"). - CoDeSys: bug fix with bezier curves with less than 4 points. - CoDeSys: Bug fix alarm tables, where class ID did not match. - Improved PNG memory consumption. - Bug fix Panasonic, trim leading spaces in returned values (always except for type String) - And do not show error if cgi-bin/GetSrvInfo.exe return HTTP 404 (since previous beta release) - Check if ends with any file separator, otherwise append the file separator - Support File Commander Macro, with two container prefixes "MB_LOCAL_FT." and "MB_HTTP_FT.", for respectively local and remote file commands - Bug fix in http redirection #(beta2) - Support BMP with 32 bbp. - Bug fix in PNG module. - CoDeSys: redraw view after updating a variable. - Improved visual feedback of sliders while dragging. - codesysv3.h includes all mbrow header files - Support POST with MFC class on Windows CE. - begin impl. of https (SSL) for tests (disable with MB_HTTPS_EN) - Bug fix in OPC and ILR on response without Content-Length - Define prefix for file name "RA://", to force the file to be opened in RAMDISK, even on remote mode. - Bug fix in scroller of the FV painter. - Support customer variables in MB_STATION.xml and add container variable "MB_STATION_Nr" to get the number of defined stations. - Support compressed archive file(s), defined in the HTML start page like in Applet: #(beta1) -> The default application path is installation directory for MB-CE and working directory for MB-XP To change the default behavior, set the following registry key: "HKCU/Software/OPBrowser_XP/Settings/cwd_en" (DWORD = 0 or 1) - Bug Fix in button painter - Calls MB_close() on destroy and do not re-open log file. - Write header in log file, on open file. - Set scale_factor to -1.0 to get an automatic scale of the view without keeping aspect ratio. - CoDeSys: Bug fix when pressing menu "View/Refresh" (7/12/2012) - Set default Ramdisk size from 1 to 4 MB for MB-XP. - Change default parameter , to automatically hide the warning button after 5 sec. - Load PNG file first with spcimgapi.dll, if available. - Small bug fix in SpiderLink when opening file with BIS - Edit on selection, do not lost the typed key anymore. - Do not reload the current TEQ file (OGF/OLF), if any TEQ has not been found and the context has not be lost. - Support program argument: -appDir "C:/any_folder", to set the application path for xml files, log file, ... - Added shortcut ALT+R to access registration dialog (Windows XP & CE). ...