MicroBrowser  Windows

SpiderControl MicroBrowser for Windows

The SpiderControl MicroBrowser for Windows supports

Setup of MicroBrowser for Windows x86 (XP and Windows 7, 8, 10, 11, ...)
Version (2024.06.18)

* MBXP_Setup_163_2.zip
* Readme.txt
* ReleaseNote.txt

MicroBrowser binary for Windows x86 (XP and Windows 7, 8, 10, 11, ...)
Version (2024.06.18)

* MicroBrowser_XP_163_2.zip

MicroBrowser for Windows x86 (with Multi-Touch capability)
Version (2024.06.18)

* MicroBrowser_163_2.zip

Note: This version supports touch events until 10 fingers in the same time, if the touch screen device support it.

MicroBrowser SBC for Windows x86
Version (2024.05.17)

The SpiderControl MicroBrowser SBC supports alarm/trend macros specific to Saia-Burgess. It can be used in demo mode (5 min) to test the functionalities.
Find also the SpiderControl MicroBrowser app for Android (with SBC features) in Google PlayStore.

* MicroBrowser_SBC_163_2.zip

Pre-release version (2024.12.20)

* MBXP_Setup_164c.zip
* MicroBrowser_XP_164c.zip
* MicroBrowser_164c.zip Multi-touch
* MicroBrowser_SBC_164c.zip


CODESYS is a trademark of 3S Smart Software Solutions GmbH
SpiderControl is a trademark of iniNet Solutions GmbH
(c) 2024 iniNet Solutions GmbH