SpiderControl MicroBrowser for Raspberry Pi
The SpiderControl MicroBrowser for Raspberry Pi supports:
- VNC client
- CODESYS WebVisu version 2.3 with some limitations
- CODESYS WebVisu version 3.5 (or TwinCAT 3) with some limitations
- SpiderControl and compatible Editors
MicroBrowser for Raspberry Pi Desktop (Debian Linux with X11)
Version (2024.12.02)
The MicroBrowser for arm64 was tested on Raspberry Pi OS (64-bit), "Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)" and "Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)"
The MicroBrowser for armhf was tested on Raspberry Pi OS (Legacy, 32-bit), "Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)"
Download Raspberry Pi OS
MicroBrowser (CDS)
Install or update MicroBrowser on your target
$ wget -O update_x11.sh http://ininet.ch/public/MicroBrowser/pi/update_x11_arm64.sh
Or $ wget -O update_x11.sh http://ininet.ch/public/MicroBrowser/pi/update_x11_armhf.sh
$ chmod 755 update_x11.sh
$ ./update_x11.sh
MicroBrowser (SBC)
This version support alarm/trend features specific to Saia Burgess Controls (SBC)
Install or update MicroBrowser SBC on your target
$ wget -O update_sbc.sh http://ininet.ch/public/MicroBrowser/pi/update_sbc_arm64.sh
Or $ wget -O update_sbc.sh http://ininet.ch/public/MicroBrowser/pi/update_sbc_armhf.sh
$ chmod 755 update_sbc.sh
$ ./update_sbc.sh
MicroBrowser with Framebuffer or DRM
Version (2024.05.17)
MicroBrowser for Raspberry Pi on Raspbian Linux 32-bit, with touch screen (tslib v.1.2)
MicroBrowser_16bpp_ts.tgz (Color depth 16-bit per pixel)
MicroBrowser_24bpp_ts.tgz (Color depth 24-bit per pixel)
MicroBrowser for Raspberry Pi on Raspbian Linux 32-bit, using mouse and extern HDMI display
Version (2024.05.17)
MicroBrowser_16bpp_mouse.tgz (Color depth 16-bit per pixel)
MicroBrowser_24bpp_mouse.tgz (Color depth 24-bit per pixel)
MicroBrowser for Raspberry Pi on Debian Linux 64-bit, using mouse and extern HDMI display
MicroBrowser_16bpp_mouse_arm64.tgz (Color depth 16-bit per pixel), tested on "Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)"
MicroBrowser_24bpp_mouse_arm64.tgz (Color depth 24-bit per pixel), untested yet
To find out whether the color depth of the framebuffer is 16-bit per pixel or 32-bit per pixel, use the fbset command:
$ fbset
mode "1920x1080"
geometry 1920 1080 1920 1080 16
timings 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
accel true
rgba 5/11,6/5,5/0,0/0
Here, the geometry line gives us the following info for the screen 1920x1080 and 16 bpp (565). Thus, download the MicroBrowser for 16bpp
If the framebuffer is 32-bit per pixel, download the MicroBrowser for 24bpp
Update MicroBrowser
$ cd /home/pi
$ sudo service microbrowser stop
$ wget -O MicroBrowser.tgz http://ininet.ch/public/MicroBrowser/pi/MicroBrowser_XXX.tgz
$ tar xvzf MicroBrowser.tgz
$ sudo service microbrowser start
New Installation
Read the installation procedure delivered in the package, into /home/pi/MicroBrowser/Info.txt for details
First, copy the tarball file like "MicroBrowser_XXX.tgz" into /home/pi/ and run the following commands:
$ cd /home/pi
$ tar xvzf MicroBrowser_XXX.tgz
$ cd /home/pi/MicroBrowser
$ chmod +x start stop MicroBrowser
$ sudo cp /home/pi/MicroBrowser/install/systemd/microbrowser.* /lib/systemd/system/
$ sudo systemctl daemon-reload
$ sudo systemctl enable microbrowser.timer
$ sudo service microbrowser start
Start the program manually and stop it with Ctrl+C, to see if you have any errors on the console
$ sudo ./MicroBrowser
You can also start the MicroBrowser by specifing the URL as argument, something like that
$ sudo ./MicroBrowser
MiroBrowser with mouse
The default mouse device is:
To start the MicroBrowser with another mouse device, you can specify it with the environment variable "MB_MSDEVICE", like:
$ sudo MB_MSDEVICE=/dev/input/mice ./MicroBrowser
MiroBrowser with touch screen
The MicroBrowser for Raspberry Pi uses
tslib to get touch events from the touch screen,
the default touch device is:
To start the MicroBrowser with another touch device, you can specify it with the environment variable "TSLIB_TSDEVICE", like:
$ sudo TSLIB_TSDEVICE=/dev/input/event2 ./MicroBrowser
Installation of tslib
Installation of the binaries
$ sudo apt-get install tslib libts-bin
More info about tslib for Raspberry Pi can be found in the forum
here or
especially to find out how to set environment variables and perform the calibration of the touch screen.
$ export TSLIB_TSDEVICE=/dev/input/event0
$ sudo touch /etc/pointercal
$ sudo ts_calibrate
$ ts_test
Read also RaspberryPi-Info.txt to find general info about Raspberry Pi and how to install the latest TSLib
Find below an old version of the MicroBrowser built with an old version of tslib v.1.4 (if the current version doesn't work)
MicroBrowser_16bpp_ts_v1.4.tgz (Color depth 16-bit per pixel)
MicroBrowser_24bpp_ts_v1.4.tgz (Color depth 24-bit per pixel)
VNC client
VNC URL looks like "vnc://"
Optional parameters:
- port default port is 5900
- bpp is either 8, 16 (565), 32 (888) or 0 to use the default parameter from VNC server
- depth it depends on bpp. Supported values are 16.15 (555), 8.6 (64 colors) or 8.3 (8 colors)
- password if need, it must be defined after the pixel format (bpp[.depth]), to use the default pixel format, set bpp to 0
If the configuration is supported on VNC server, the best choice for high-performance is 16 bpp (565), for example
Activation code
When you start the SpiderControl MicroBrowser, you will be prompted to enter a license key.
With the Challenge Code displayed in the window, you can purchase a CDS license key in our web shop
For further info, contact us per email info@ininet.ch
Note: the license key is stored in the configuration file: uBrowser.xml
For any questions, feedback or support, you may contact us here
Raspberry Pi is a trademark of Raspberry Pi Ltd
CODESYS is a trademark of 3S Smart Software Solutions GmbH
SpiderControl is a trademark of iniNet Solutions GmbH
(c) 2024 iniNet Solutions GmbH, All rights reserved